Bidet faucets | LAUFEN Bathrooms (2024)

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';html +='

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';html += '

';html += '

';html += '

';html += '';html += '

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';html += '

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';html += '

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' + product.title + '

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' ; if (isCosmic){ html += '

' + '

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' + '

'; }else{ html += '

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' + '

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' + '' + texts.viewProduct + ''; html += ''; } html += '

' if (!isSupramodel) { html += '

' + '

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  • ' + '' + 'Bidet faucets | LAUFEN Bathrooms (7)' + '' + '
  • ' + '

' + '

'; } } html += '

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';} if (product.category) { html += '

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' + product.category + '' + htmllistMatTech + '' + '

'; html += '

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' + '

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  • ' + '' + 'Bidet faucets | LAUFEN Bathrooms (10)' + '' + '
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' + '

'; } html += '

'; } html += '

' + '' + finishedDescription + ''; if ((!isSupramodel)&&(!isBundle)) { html += '' + texts.referenceLabel + ': ' + displayCode + ''; if (!isLaufenISH) { html += ''; } } html += '

'; html += '

'; if ((product.finisheds)&&(product.finisheds.length)) { for (var i=0;i

' + '' + ''; let colors_displayed = i+1; if (isLaufenISH && colors_displayed === 5 && product.finisheds.length > 5) { html += '+' + (product.finisheds.length - colors_displayed) + ''; break; } if (isCosmic && colors_displayed === 3 && product.finisheds.length > 3) { html += ''; break; } } } } html += '

'; html += '

'; if ((product.dimensions)&&(product.dimensions !== '1 x 1 x 1')) {html += '

' + product.dimensions + '

';} html += '

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'; html += '

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'; if (product.extendedDescription) { html += '

' + product.extendedDescription + '

' } }else{ if (!finished || !finished.showPrettyPrices) { html += '

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'; html += '

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' + 'ou ' + financingPriceP.numShare + 'x de R$ ' + financingPriceP.finalShare + ' sem juros' + '

'; } } } html += '

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' + '

'; if (finishedPricePrefix) {html += finishedPricePrefix + ': ';} html += '

' + ''; if (finishedPriceStrikethrough) {html += finishedPriceStrikethrough;} html += ''; html += ''; if (finished.price) {html += finished.price;} html += ''; html += '

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' + '

' + '

' + '

' + '' + texts.viewProduct + ''; }else{ html += '

' + '

'; if(is100Shoppers){ html += '

'; html += '

'; html += ''; html += ''; html += 'Buy online'; html += ''; }else{ if (isCosmic) { html += '

'; html += '

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' + '

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' + '

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  • ' + '
  • ' + '' + 'Bidet faucets | LAUFEN Bathrooms (13)' + '' + '
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' + '

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' + '' + productName + '' + '

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' + productReference + '

'; } if (finishedName) { data.content += '

' + '

' + '' + '

' + '

'; } data.content += '

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' + productDimensions + '

';} // if (productPrice) {data.content += '

' + productPrice + '

';} if (productPrice) {data.content += '

' + productPrice + '

';} data.content += '

'; // data.content += '

' +// '

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' +// '';// if (finishedPriceStrikethrough) {data.content += finishedPriceStrikethrough;}// data.content += '';// data.content += '';// if (priceTextNoSub) {data.content += priceTextNoSub;}// data.content += '';// data.content += '

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Bidet faucets | LAUFEN Bathrooms (2024)


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Author: Edwin Metz

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Author information

Name: Edwin Metz

Birthday: 1997-04-16

Address: 51593 Leanne Light, Kuphalmouth, DE 50012-5183

Phone: +639107620957

Job: Corporate Banking Technician

Hobby: Reading, scrapbook, role-playing games, Fishing, Fishing, Scuba diving, Beekeeping

Introduction: My name is Edwin Metz, I am a fair, energetic, helpful, brave, outstanding, nice, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.