Korean Birth Flower Chart - Flower That Ties With Your Birthday! (2024)

Korean Birth Flower Chart - Flower That Ties With Your Birthday! (1)

Have you ever wondered if your birth month is tied to a particular flower? Well, in this article, I will share a special Korean Birth Flower Chart and the symbol behind each flowers!

Whether you’re seeking your perfect match or simply intrigued by their symbolism, let’s unveil the hidden secrets behind the enchanting Korean Birth Flower Chart.

Get ready to discover which delightful bloom represents your birth month and what it represents with this korean birth flower chart!

Time to uncover the magic that lies within you has come! Let’s dig in!

Table of Contents

Korean Birth Flower Chart

Korean Birth Flower Chart - Flower That Ties With Your Birthday! (2)

Credit to pinterest

According to Creatrip, each day from January 1st until December 31th birth date have their own correlations to a specific Korean flower.

Below are the correlation of each month with Korean flowers and the hidden meaning behind it.

January – Carnations

Korean Birth Flower Chart - Flower That Ties With Your Birthday! (3)

The pretty pink ruffled petals, long vase life, and a wide array of colours makes the carnation one of the most beautiful flower among many others.

In Greek, this flowers is known as ‘dianthus,’ whichmean ‘flower of God.’

Carnations flower represent a deep affectionate, love and loyalty.

People tie with this Korean flowers known to be emotional, sensitive. loyal to the one that they love and willing to do anything for them.

1-JanSnow Drop 스노드롭Hope
2-JanJonquil 노랑수선화Answer to love
3-JanSpring Crocus 사프란Youth without regret
4-JanHyacinth 히아신스Peaceful love
5-JanHepatica 노루귀Patience
6-JanViolet 흰제비꽃Innocent love
7-JanTulip 튤립Broken heart
8-JanPurple Violet 보랏빛 제비꽃Love
9-JanYellow Violet 노랑 제비꽃Shy love
10-JanBox Tree 회양목Endure and overcome
11-JanArbor Vitae 측백나무Strong friendship
12-JanSweet Alyssum 향기 알리섬Outstanding beauty
13-JanNarcissus 수선화Mystery
14-JanCyclamen 시클라멘Introverted personality
15-JanThorn 가시Serious, stern
16-JanYellow Hyacinth 노랑 히아신스Win or lose
17-JanRumex 수영Friendly
18-JanIndian Mallow 어저귀Conjecture
19-JanPine 소나무Center of qi, longevity
20-JanButtercup 미나리아재비Innocent
21-JanIvy 담쟁이덩굴Friendship
22-JanMoss 이끼Mother’s love
23-JanBullrusb 부들Obedience
24-JanSaffron Crocus 가을에 피는 사프란The beauty of moderation
25-JanCerastium 점나도나물Genuine
26-JanMimosa 미모사Sensitive heart
27-JanRowan 마가목Not lazy
28-JanBlack poplar 검은 포플라Courage
29-JanMoss 이끼Mother’s love
30-JanMash Marigold 매쉬 메리골드Happiness will come
31-JanSpring Crocus 노란 사프란The joy of youth

February – Violet

Myth says that the Venus, Roman goddess turned a group of maidens into Violets out of jealousy to their beautiful figures.

Violet is a traditional Valentine’s Day flower that symbolize loyalty and faithfulness.

People born with this birth flower usually have a strong mental capability and able to handle many hardship to makes their loved ones life easier.

1-FebPrimrose 앵초Youth and longing
2-FebQuince 모과Simple
3-FebWavy Bittercress 황새냉이I dedicate myself to you
4-FebRed Primrose 빨간앵초Natural beauty
5-FebFern 양치Lovely
6-FebRock Pine 바위솔Working hard in the home
7-FebForget-Me-Not 물망초Don’t forget me
8-FebSaxifraga 범의귀Deep feelings
9-FebMyrtle 은매화Whisper of love
10-FebWinter Daphne 서향Glory, honor
11-FebMelissa 멜리사Sympathy
12-FebJustica Procumbens 쥐꼬리망초Pure, simple
13-FebCanary Grass 갈풀Patience, tenacity
14-FebChamomile 카모마일Overcoming adversity
15-FebCedar 삼나무I live for you
16-FebVictor’s Laurel 월계수Honor, glory, victory
17-FebWild Flower 야생화Familiar nature
18-FebButtercup 미나리아재비Innocent
19-FebOak 떡갈나무Friendly, sociable
20-FebKalmia 칼미아Great hope
21-FebCalifornia Bluebell 네무필라Patriotic
22-FebRose Of Sharon 무공화Fragile beauty
23-FebPrunus 살구꽃Shy
24-FebPeriwinkle 빙카Pleasant memories
25-FebMusk Rose 사향장미Unpredictable love
26-FebAdonis 아도니스Memories
27-FebStar Of Arabia 아라비아의 별Purity
28-FebBarley 보리Unity, prosperity
29-FebArmeria 아르메리아Care and mercy

March – Daffodil

Korean Birth Flower Chart - Flower That Ties With Your Birthday! (5)

March Korean birth flower daffodils symbolize sincerity, honesty, gratitude and forgiveness.

People with Daffodil as their birth flower tend to try avoid conflict as much as they could. Most likely, they are peacemaker on earth and with their compassionate nature, they can unite other people.

1-MarNarcissus 수선화Mystery, pride
2-MarButtercup 미나리아재비Beautiful character, innocence
3-MarAstragalus 자운영My happiness
4-MarRaspberry 나무딸기Love, affection
5-MarCorn Flower 수레국화Happiness
6-MarDaisy 데이지Playfulness
7-MarWavy Bittercress 황새냉이Deep nostalgia
8-MarCastanea 밤꽃Honesty, sincerity
9-MarLarch 낙엽송Courage
10-MarElm 느릅나무Noble
11-MarIxeris 씀바귀Simple, dedicated
12-MarWeeping Willow 수양버들The sadness of love
13-MarDay Lily 산옥잠화The oblivion of love
14-MarAlmond 아몬드Hopes and desires
15-MarConium Macutatum 독당근No regret in death
16-MarMint 박하 – VirtueVirtue
17-MarBean Flower 콩꽃Happiness will definitely come
18-MarAsparagus 아스파라거스Unchanging
19-MarCape Jasmine 치자나무Infinite joy
20-MarPurple Tulip 보라색 튤립Eternal love
21-MarHoney Plant 벚꽃난Beginning of life, empathy
22-MarMallow 당아욱Blessings
23-MarGladiolus 글라디올러스Passionate love
24-MarCalifornia Poppy 금영화Good hopes
25-MarClimbing Plant 덩굴성 식물Beauty
26-MarWhite Primrose 흰앵초First love
27-MarCalceolaria 칼세올라리아Help
28-MarRobinia Hispida 꽃아카시아나무Dignity
29-MarBurdock 우엉Don’t touch me
30-MarScotch Broom 금작화Attractive
31-MarNigella Damascena 흑종초Dream love

April – Daisy

Korean Birth Flower Chart - Flower That Ties With Your Birthday! (6)

Daisy consists of two different floral parts, the ray and disc floret, integrated and appears to be one unit.

This flower symbolizes the unity of love and communion that bond two individuals.

People with this birth flower are natural born leaders, competitive, motivated, faithful and yet not a good listener.

1-AprAlmond 아몬드Faithful love
2-AprAnemone/Wind Flower 아네모네Expectations
3-AprDaffodil 나팔수선화Respect and pride
4-AprRed Anemone 빨강 아네모네To love you
5-AprFig Tree 무화과Wealth and abundance
6-AprAdonis 아도니스Eternal bliss
7-AprAdiantum Pedatum 공작고사리Interesting
8-AprBroom 금작화Philanthropy
9-AprCherry 벚나무Purity, beautiful soul
10-AprPeriwinkle 빙카Happy memories
11-AprJacob’s Ladder 꽃고비Come with me
12-AprPeach 복사꽃In the power of love
13-AprGolden Wave 페르시아 국화Competitive
14-AprMorning Glory 흰나팔꽃Overwhelming joy
15-AprFen Orchid 펜 오키드Excellence
16-AprTulip 튤립Beautiful eyes
17-AprGerman Iris 독일 창포 –Great marriage
18-AprAstragalus Sinicus 자운영Immense love
19-AprLarspur 참제비고깔Clear, fair
20-AprPear 배나무Gentle love
21-AprWeeping Willow 수양버들Sadness of love
22-AprChina Aster 과꽃Trustworthy love
23-AprBalloon Flower 도라지Passionate love
24-AprGeranium 제라늄Fruition
25-AprFritillaria Thunbergii 중국 패모Majestic
26-AprJapanese Cress 논냉이Burning love
27-AprWater Lily 수련Innocent heart
28-AprRed Primrose 빨간 앵초Unparalleled beauty
29-AprCamellia 동백나무Attractive and charming
30-AprGolden Chain 금사슬나무Sad beauty

May – Lily of the Valley

Korean Birth Flower Chart - Flower That Ties With Your Birthday! (7)

The Korean birth flower May is ‘Lily of the Valley’, this flower is also known as May Bells or May Lilies.

Historically, this flower serve as a poison antidote and herbal medicine in ancient civilizations.

Myth said that when Eve was banished by God from the Garden of Eden, her tears turned into May Lilies.

People with this birth flower tends to be strong and able to deal with life difficulties just like Eve deal with her punishment.

In addition, this flower also represents motherhood, and purity.

1-MayCowslip 카우슬립 앵초Sadness and happiness of youth
2-MayButtercup 미나리아재비Truthfulness
3-MayDandelion 민들레Trust
4-MayGarden Strawberry 딸기Respect
5-MayLily Of The Valley 은방울꽃Exquisite
6-MayStock Flower 비단향나무꽃ternal beauty
7-MayStrawberry Leaf 딸기잎Love
8-MayWater Lily 수련Innocent heart
9-MayPrunus 겹벚꽃Pure, elegant
10-MayFlag Iris 꽃창포Elegant heart
11-MayApple 사과Seduction, temptation
12-MayLilac 라일락Love bud
13-MayHawthorn 산사나무Only love
14-MayColumbine 매발톱꽃Decisive victory
15-MayForget-Me-Not 물망초True love
16-MayBridal Wreath 조팝나무Effort
17-MayYellow Tulip 노랑 튤립Sign of love
18-MayOxlip 옥슬립 앵초First love
19-MayAristata 아리스타타Owner of beauty
20-MayWood Sorrel 괭이밥Shining heart
21-MayRed Larkspur 담홍색 참제비고깔Freedom
22-MayFuchsia 귀고리꽃Enthusiastic heart and mind
23-MayLeaf Buds 풀의 싹Memories of first love
24-MayHeliotrope 헬리오토로프Eternal love
25-MayPansy 삼색제비꽃Pure love
26-MayOlive 올리브나무Peace and harmony
27-MayDaisy 데이지Pure heart
28-MayMint 박하Virtue
29-MayClover 토끼풀Vibrant, cheerful
30-MayPurple Lilac 보랏빛 라일락Sudden love
31-MayScilla 무릇Strong restraint, self-control

June – Rose / Honeysuckle

Korean Birth Flower Chart - Flower That Ties With Your Birthday! (8)

June have two birth flowers, yet the most common flower associated with June month is Rose.

People born in June tends to have a charming personality, good communication skills and high intelligence.

This alone help them to adapt easily in any given situation.

1-JunGreat Maiden’s Blush 연분홍 장미You’re the only one who understands me
2-JunRed Columbine 빨강 매발톱꽃Straightforward, sincere
3-JunFlax 아마 – DestinyDestiny
4-JunDamask Rose 장미Beautiful and radiant face
5-JunMarigold 메리골드Poor love
6-JunKorean Iris 노랑 붓꽃Happiness of believers
7-JunVeronica Schmidtiana 슈미트티아나Longing heart
8-JunJasmine 재스민Lovely
9-JunSweet Pea 스위트피Good memories
10-JunSweet William 수염패랭이꽃Chivalry
11-JunFritillaria Thunbergii 중국패모Nobility
12-JunMignonette 레제다 오도라타Charm
13-JunFox Glove 디기탈리스Thoughts hidden in the heart
14-JunPimpernel 뚜껑별꽃Bright memories
15-JunCarnation 카네이션Passion
16-JunTube Rose 튜베 로즈Dangerous joy
17-JunClover 토끼풀Sensitive
18-JunThyme 백리향Courage
19-JunSweet Brier 스위트브라이어Love
20-JunSpeedwell 꼬리풀Success
21-JunEvening Primrose 달맞이꽃Free heart
22-JunViburnum 가막살나무Love is stronger than death
23-JunHoly Hock 접시꽃Passionate love
24-JunGarden Verbena 버베나Family unity
25-JunMorning Glory 나팔꽃Appreciate the moment
26-JunWhite Lilac 흰 라일락Beautiful oath
27-JunPassion Flower 시계꽃Divine love
28-JunGeranium 제라늄Because of you, I am happy
29-JunRed Geranium 빨강 제라늄Because of you, I have love
30-JunHoney Suckle 인동Love

July – Larkspur

Delphinium, also known as Larkspur, represents good luck and cheerfulness.

Someone with this birth flower is a lucky person, usually they have easy life and easy to find beauty in every corner of their life.

On the flip side, they also usually have a perfectionist and demanding personality.

1-JulFig Marigold 단양쑥부쟁이Patriotic
2-JulSnap Dragon 금어초Longing and ambition
3-JulWhite Poppy 흰색 양귀비Oblivion
4-JulLily Magnolia 자목련Love of nature
5-JulLavender 라벤더Strong fragrance
6-JulSunflower 해바라기Admiration, affection
7-JulGooseberry 서양까지밥나무Expectations
8-JulBirdfoot 버드푸트Until we meet again
9-JulIvy Geranium 아이비 제라늄Sincere love
10-JulBellflower 초롱꽃Gratitude
11-JulAsphodel 아스포델I’m yours
12-JulSolanum 좁은입배풍동Unrestrained
13-JulFlower of Grass 잡초의 꽃Pragmatic
14-JulPhlox 플록스Peaceful
15-JulBriar Rose 들장미Loveable
16-JulStock Flower 비단향꽃무Eternal love, beauty
17-JulWhite Rose 흰색장미Respect
18-JulMoss Rose 이끼 장미Simple
19-JulAconite 백부자Shine beautifully
20-JulEggplant 가지Honest
21-JulYellow Rose 노랑장미Beauty
22-JulRainbow Pink 패랭이꽃Longing for something or someone, pure love
23-JulRose 장미Beauty and charm
24-JulTrillum 연령초Tender heart
25-JulElder 말오줌나무Hardworking
26-JulWormwood 향쑥Peace
27-JulGeranium 제라늄True love
28-JulFringed Pink 패랭이꽃Always love you
29-JulCactus 선인장Burning heart
30-JulLime Tree 서양종 보리수Love between spouses
31-JulPumpkin 호박Vastness

August – Gladiolus

Korean Birth Flower Chart - Flower That Ties With Your Birthday! (10)

Gladiolus, known as ‘sword lily,‘ is a symbol of integrity.

People born with this birth flower are usually strong minded person, natural born leader and having high energy.

1-AugRed Poppy 빨강 양귀비Consolation
2-AugCornflower 수레국화Happiness
3-AugFlower-Of-An-Hour 수박풀Beauty of a girl
4-AugCorn 옥수수Treasure
5-AugHeath 엘리카Loneliness, solitude
6-AugTrumpet Creeper 능소화Honor
7-AugPomegranate 석류Mature beauty
8-AugAzalea 진달래Joy of love
9-AugCistus 시스투스To be loved
10-AugMoss 이끼Mother’s love
11-AugZonal Geranium 빨강무늬제라늄Consolation, solace
12-AugSweet Oleander 협죽도Danger
13-AugGoldenrod 골든 로드Boundaries
14-AugWall Germander 저먼더Respect
15-AugSunflower 해바라기Bright light
16-AugTamarind 타마린드Luxury
17-AugTulip Tree 튤립나무Complete happiness
18-AugHolly Hock 접시꽃burning love
19-AugRosa Campion 로사 캠피온Truthfulness
20-AugFreesia 프리지아Innocent, honest
21-AugAgrimony 짚신나물Gratitude
22-AugSpirea 스피리아Effort
23-AugLinden Tree 서양종 보리수Love between spouses
24-AugCalendula 금잔화Sadness of separation
25-AugFlaming Flower 안스륨Happiness in love
26-AugHypoxis Aurea 하이포시스 오리어Looking for the light
27-AugOsmunda 고비Dreaming
28-AugFlowering Tobacco Plant 꽃담배Because of you, I don’t feel lonely
29-AugWall Germander 저먼더Sincerity
30-AugClover 토끼풀Promise

September – Aster / Morning Glory

Korean Birth Flower Chart - Flower That Ties With Your Birthday! (11)

Asters a symbol of strong bonds, love and happiness.

Each colours in this flower symbolize each feelings and various emotions.

The pink aster is a symbol of love and motherhood, the white represent innocence.

When someone give you this flower, it embedded a hidden message of ‘Please take care of yourself for my sake’.

People with this birth flower are usually a poetic and masters of communication, great at mix the logic and intuition and also evoke emotion in others.

1-SepTiger Flower 호랑이꽃Love me
2-SepMexican Ivy 멕시칸 아이비Change
3-SepMarguerite 마거리트Hidden love
4-SepGeum 뱀무Satisfied love
5-SepElm 느릅나무Reliability
6-SepNasturtium 한련Patriotism
7-SepOrange 오렌지New bride’s joy
8-SepMustard 갓Calm indifference
9-SepMichaelmas Daisy 갓개매취Memories
10-SepChina Aster 흰색 과꽃Faithful and trusting heart
11-SepAloe 알로에Strong will to overcome difficulties
12-SepClematis 클레마티스Beauty of the heart
13-SepWeeping Willow 버드나무Straightforward, honest
14-SepQuince 마르멜로Seduction, temptation
15-SepDahlia 다알리아Splendor
16-SepGentiana 용담Beautiful sadness
17-SepErica 에리카Solitude
18-SepThistle 엉겅퀴Harshness
19-SepCarex 사초Self-respect
20-SepRosemary 로즈메리Think of me
21-SepSaffron 사프란Youth without regrets
22-SepQuaking Grass 퀘이킹 그라스Excitement
23-SepYew Tree 주목Noble
24-SepOrange 오렌지Newlywed joy
25-SepAnimated Oat 메귀리To love music
26-SepDate Plum 감Natural Beauty
27-SepOak Tree 떡갈나무Love is forever
28-SepLove Lies A Bleeding 색비름Self confidence
29-SepApple 사과Fame
30-SepCedar 삼나무Greatness, magnificence

October – Marigold

Korean Birth Flower Chart - Flower That Ties With Your Birthday! (12)

Marigolds serve as offerings to the Gods in South Asia. In India, they are placed around the necks of holy things.

These flowers symbolize peace, wholeness and love.

People with this birth flower are usually a ‘peacemakers‘.

1-OctRed Chrysanthemum 빨강 국화Love
2-OctApricot 살구Shyness of a girl
3-OctMaple Tree 단풍나무Restraint and wisdom
4-OctCommon Hop 홉Pure
5-OctPalm Tree 종려나무Victory
6-OctHazel Tree 개암나무Reconciliation
7-OctFir Tree 전나무Noble
8-OctParsley 파슬리Victory
9-OctFennel 희향Praise
10-OctMelon 멜론Abundance
11-OctLythrum 부처꽃Sadness of love
12-OctLingonberry 월귤Spirit of resistance or defiance
13-OctBridal Wreath 조팝나무Clear love
14-OctWhite Chrysanthemum 흰색 국화Truth
15-OctSweet Basil 스위트 바즐Beautiful hope
16-OctMoss Rose 이끼장미Pure
17-OctGrape 포도Confidence, trust
18-OctCranberry 넌출월귤Comforting, consoling
19-OctBalsam 빨강 봉선화Don’t touch me
20-OctYam 마 – FateFate
21-OctThistle 엉겅퀴Independence
22-OctArrowhead 벗풀Credibility
23-OctThom Apple 흰독말풀Respect
24-OctChinese Plum 매화Noble heart
25-OctRed Emperor Maple 단풍나무Mental and spiritual strength
26-OctRumex 수영Compassion
27-OctBriar Rose 들장미Poetry
28-OctRose of Sharon 무궁화Subtle beauty
29-OctCrab Apple 해당화Lead, guide
30-OctLobelia 로벨리아Confronting evil
31-OctCalla 칼라Enthusiasm

November – Chrysanthemum

Korean Birth Flower Chart - Flower That Ties With Your Birthday! (13)

Chrysanthemum flower is known as the ‘Queen of Fall Flowers’ as they are easily seen anywhere during the Fall seasons.

The people with this birth flower usually have a practical and simple personality, great problem solver and good friends.

1-NovMedlar 서양모과Only love
2-NovLupin 루피너스Mother’s love
3-NovBryony 브리오니아Rejection
4-NovHart’s Tongue Fern 골고사리Solace in truth
5-NovKorean Aster 단양쑥부쟁이Merit
6-NovCommon Agrimony 등골나물Procrastination,
7-NovMarigold 메리골드Sadness of parting
8-NovRagged Robin 가는동자꽃Wit
9-NovMyrrh 몰약의 꽃Sincerity
10-NovConfederate Rose 부용Exquisite beauty
11-NovWhite Camellia 흰동백Secret love
12-NovLemon 레몬Sincere yearning
13-NovLemon Verbena 레몬 버베나Perseverance
14-NovPine 소나무Immortality
15-NovCrown Vetch 황금싸리Humility
16-NovChristmas Rose 크리스마스 로즈Memories
17-NovButterbur 머위Justice,
18-NovHill Lily 산나리Magnificence
19-NovAaron’s Beard 범의귀Secret
20-NovBugloss 뷰글라스Eternal love
21-NovLantern Flower 초롱꽃Truthfulness
22-NovKorean Barberry 매자나무Skill
23-NovFern 양치Fern
24-NovViburnum 가막살나무Love is stronger than death
25-NovRhus Continus 개옻나무Insight,
26-NovYarrow 서양톱풀Leadership,
27-NovPhus 붉나무Faith
28-NovChina Aster 과꽃Abstract
29-NovBaccharis 바카리스Enlightenment
30-NovReed 낙엽 마른 풀Waiting for a new spring

December – Poinsettia

Korean Birth Flower Chart - Flower That Ties With Your Birthday! (14)

Poinsettia is a flower that grows in the winter, cold seasons.

It’s red and green foliage commonly used in many Christmas displays.

This flower symbolize sincerity and acceptance. It convey a special message of ‘I love you the way you are.

People with this birth flower tends to be a family man, friendly, loyal and supportive.

1-DecTansy 쑥국화Peaceful
2-DecMoss 이끼Mother’s love
3-DecLavender 라벤더Expectations and hope
4-DecRumex 수영Love
5-DecAmbrosia 앰브로시아Happy love
6-DecSaxifraga 바위취Intense love
7-DecFern 양치Reliability
8-DecReed 갈대Deep love
9-DecChrystanthemum 국화Elegant, noble
10-DecRed Camellia 빨강 동백High reason
11-DecFig Marigold 단양쑥부쟁이Patriotism
12-DecCotton 목화Excellence
13-DecMagenta Chrysanthemum 자홍색 국화Love
14-DecPine 소나무Bravery
15-DecWinter Daphne 서향Immortality,
16-DecAlder Tree 오리나무Dignity,
17-DecHoney Plant 벚꽃난Empathy
18-DecSage 세이지Blessings,
19-DecSnowflake 스노 플레이크Beauty
20-DecPineapple 파인애플Absolute perfection
21-DecMint 박하 – VirtueVirtue
22-DecZinnia 백일홍Happiness
23-DecPlatanus 플라타너스Genius
24-DecMistletoe 겨우살이Great patience
25-DecHolly 서양호랑가시나무Foresight
26-DecChristmas Rose 크리스마스 로즈Memories
27-DecChinese Plum 매화Pure heart, clear mind
28-DecPomegranate 석류Mature beauty
29-DecWinter Cherry 꽈리Natural beauty
30-DecCarolina Allspice 납매Pampering, tender love
31-DecChamaecyparis 노송나무Eternity, immortality

Sum Up

The Korean birth flower chart is a great way to find out what flower ties with your birthday and learn the meaning behind it.

I wish this article has shed some light on the importance of flowers in Korean culture.

Everyone has a unique way to celebrate their birth, and finding out the special flower ties with a specific person with korean birth flower chart is an exciting way to make your loved ones feels loved and special!

So don’t forget – find out which flower corresponds with your loved ones and your birthday with this korean birth flower chart today.

What is your Korean birth flower? Let us know in the comment sections below!

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Korean Birth Flower Chart - Flower That Ties With Your Birthday! (15)

Korean Birth Flower Chart - Flower That Ties With Your Birthday! (16)

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