Top Posts Tagged with #im from the south damnit how do i not know how to write for him | Tumlook (2024)

Outer Banks season 1 : Outer Banks Hilarious Bloopers


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A/N: this is 4085 words long... more than 10 pages.. im sorry. i got carried away.

posting it tonight because @twilightstilinski​ asked so nicely, please and all, so thank her 💛

I want to know y’alls favorite moments ! SEND ME YOUR THOUGHTS!!!! 👀


Rudy, JD, Madison and Grace jump out of the van.

“Ho- mmh” Rudy messes up, groaning in frustration, making them stop and look at him with a laugh. All five repeating what the blonde just did.

“Would you just stop farting? Doesn’t really make me look professional on my first day.” Grace laughs as Rudy has her pinned down in the guest room of the Chateau, Chase in the bathroom waiting for his cue.

“Just trying to give a little mood.” He smirks, the girl shaking her head in defeat.


Rudy walks in the chateau, his eyes low, walking towards the younger actress who was cleaning up the props, the cameras rolling, the whole house silent.

“Talk to me, baby.” Rudy mumbles against her neck, arms wrapped around her waist.

“I know it was stupid, I—”

“Stupid? You call pulling a gun on a public beach stupid?” She turns to face him, his arms still wrapped around her, a few inches separating their face and as soon as her eyes fall on his face she starts to chuckle, trying to hide it. “Sorry, sorry let’s go again?”

“Yes, from Rudy’s line” the two actors nod and Grace turns around, placing the props on the table, feeling Rudy’s hand reposition themselves on around her waist.

“Stupid? You call pulling a gun on a public beach stupid?” she turns to face him, a frown on her face. “Are you out of your damn mind?” she yells loudly, “JJ, I know that you are impulsive and reckless but what you did wasn’t just st—” she says and stops, cupping her hands around his face, a pout and a smile appearing on her lips. “Stop it, I’m being mad at you.” She groans.

“What am I doing?” he asks seriously.

“You’re actually f*cking smirking while I’m trying to be mad at you. I can’t work like this.” She says, chuckling her head leaning forward under his collar bone as it’s the highest her head could actually reach. “Have y’all even seen his face?” she asks and the blonde turns towards the camera and the crew with a smirk, winking at them.


“I’ll search the North West quadrant; you search the North South quadrant.” JD goes to leave but grits his teeth together and comes back in front of Rudy and Grace, the brunette already stifling a giggle. “Okay, I’ll search the North East quadrant, you search the North West quadrant – f*ck!” he says, all three of them starting to snicker.

“I’ll do you,” Grace laughs moving behind Jonathan, “you go there, and I got there!” she says pointing in opposite directions. “I mean for Christ’s sake help the boy a little!” she says to the crew behind the camera.

Repeating the scene a few times, Rudy and Grace still laughing when the other one cracks a smile.

“Okay, so I’ll search the North West- Damnit!”

“I’ll search—” Rudy sputters out a laugh, turning away.

“Shut up, Pope!” the blonde laughs and Grace snickers, slightly over the whole thing.


Chase, Madison and Grace are walking up the stairs to the lighthouse set, a small pep in their steps.

“Wa-wait!” Madison calls out making the other two stop, “We need a little leedl—” she huffs out a laugh, turning Grace around so they could start again.

“Leedle, leedle.” Grace says walking right in front of the camera lens.


On the beach set, Grace is a few feet away from Madison and Chase, while Cullen Moss who plays Shoupe walks up to them with a smile.

“How about you don’t hand that compass off, bing!” he says and Grace’s laugh can be heard from afar, making them all look in her direction. She jogs a few feet, laughing.

“Bing!” she laughs, “sorry, I’m tired. Working in my state should be illegal.” She says stifling a yawn.


Rudy write the take number #2 on the clapper board.

“Thank you, Rudy.” The A.D says on the radio.

“Buddy it’s not the right one.” Grace says from the backseat and Rudy shows the clapperboard to the camera. Madison grabbing it and showing off Rudy’s weird “2”. Grace grabs it along with the dry erase marker.

“All right there you go, a little dicey on the 2. Whatever he’s from Alaska.” Madison lets out a loud laugh and grabs back the board back, frowning at the number on it.

“Grace what’s this number?” Madison laughs and Grace’s giggle is heard.

“That’s a Quebecer 4, honey.”

“Aaaaaand she’s from Canada, it’s okay, we’ll get through this.” A thumb’s up appears from the back seat and Rudy looks at it before laughing.


Rudy shoves Chase against the door of the Twinkie, all of the other actors watching with concern.

“What, what you fink like you’re a tough guy or something?” he says and a smile appear on all of their faces. “Let me say that one more time.” He says and Rudy leans into him with a laugh.


Chase is sitting in a chair, all angsty looking. On the left side of the screen there’s a door glass showing Madison, Rudy, Jonathan and Grace, the last three doing a push up contest. Grace quickly abandoning.

“Look at these nerds out here doing that.” A voice says and Chase turns around in time to see Grace sit on top of Rudy’s back, making him struggle more, her legs going on JD.


In the Craine house set, Madison and Grace are standing in front of the barricaded door.

“We could maybe try to take em’ off?” Grace says and Madison sends her a weird look, making Grace roll her eyes as she walks up to the door and fake struggles with the planks only for them to fall on their own. “We’ll let’s go, I guess. Sarah! C’mon baby!” she says but can’t actually open the fake door. “Okay, never mind!” she says and laughs echoes throughout the place, running in slow-motion towards the exit.


Grace and Chase are standing in the hospital room set, the small room filled with cameras, both are waiting for the next take.

“Ok, let’s take it from when Beth joins John B in the bed.” Jonas instructs. Grace moves a few steps away from the brunette, placing a small and distraught expression on her face, the tears starting to flow down her cheeks easily, taking Chase by surprise.

“...And action!”

“What?” he recites.

“In the ambulance. I couldn’t go.” She sniffles, looking up at Chase who’s own eyes gloss over with unshed tears.

“Come here, Grace.” He says and she walks to him, wrapping his arms around her.

“You said Grace.” She says, her shoulders shaking a little. He tightens his hold on her.

“I know, you just seemed so sad.” She pulls away from him and looks at him, face dry, her face empty of all sadness and a grin on her face. “Well that changed.” He chuckles.


“Ok, let’s go again. Don’t be sad, John.” She says, walking on her mark with a smile, in a second she switches to Beth, her eyes welling up with tears.


“In the ambulance. I couldn’t go.” She says between sobs, Chase’s brows pull in and he opens his arms.

“Come here.” He moves to his right, leaving a space for the small girl. She lays down next to him, pressing a kiss to his cheek.

““I’m not hurting you, am I? You did fall from pretty high.” She looks up at him, wiping away the tears drying on her cheeks.

“Nah, I’m good.”

“Oh yeah, I forgot, you’re a tough guy.” Grace moves to pinch Chase’s cheek, the boy reacting reflexively and pushing her hand away.

“sh*t!” Grace yelps as she falls off the bed and onto the hard floor.

“OH MY GOD, GRACE ARE YOU OKAY?” Chase laughs, Grace’s giggle is heard, the crew laughing along with them, Jonas making sure she’s okay.

“You okay, Grace?”

“Yeah, thanks.” She says laughing, she turns to the camera. “So, Chase pushed me off the bed.”


In the long shot, showing Grace, the back of Topper’s house and Austin at the end of the dock, Grace runs silently towards screaming.

“AHHHHHHH!” she jumps on his back. “You're nothin' but trouble

But trouble's what I like

Got our whole life to figure it out

So why start tonight

Just take a picture of me

Takin' a picture of you

Makin' the face that makes me laugh

Then you start laughin' too.” Grace sings while Austin rolls his eyes back, dancing a bit with her on his back. She keeps singing loudly.

“How do you even know that song completely?” he asks putting her down.

“I’m eighteen, Austin, I grew up on that sh*t!”

“Take your places!” Jonas calls from behind the camera. Grace walks back up the deck, stepping on her mark. “ACTION!” he yells after calling the other steps.

Grace walks the first few feet, the bag in her hand, but she drops it once she trips on an uneven plank on the dock.

“sh*t!” she yelps.


“I tripped”

“On what there’s literally nothing there!” Austin points to the floor.

They start again, filming a few takes, Austin struggling in each. The fact that it was the early hours of the morning doing nothing to help.

“You won’t pull a gun on me, will you?” Austin turns around, an arrogant smirk on his face. “Your boyfriend did it, you did Rafe the other night.” He says and she tries to stifle a laugh, Austin not fully hearing what he had said.

A few chuckles could be heard around them, Grace turning around to the camera, pushing her tongue against the inside of her cheek, creating a bulge.

“JJ and Beth getting frisky.” She sings jokingly, dancing a little. “Beth and Rafe never did each other, no yet anyway.” She says winking at the camera.

“Let’s take 5, and we’ll come back.” Jonas announces.

They reset everything, Jonas instructing the actors on the directions to take.

“Let’s come back, start from Topper’s line.”

“You won’t pull a gun on me, will you?” he asks turning around. “Your boyfriend did it, you did it on Rafe the other night.” He chuckles darkly. Grace moves next to him, leaning forward on the railing.

“Shut up, Thornton.”

“Whatcha doin here, Miller?”

“I never thanked you.” She mumbles, moving the hair out of her face.

“What for?”

“Last year, for finding me when you did.” She sniffles, grabbing the bag quickly and pulling out a perfectly rolled joint. “Wanna share?” she asks, and he nods.

Grace grabs JJ’s lighter, lighting up the fake joint because taking a hit from it.

“So, what’s up? You didn’t come here for that.”

“I did,” she says, and he sends her a surprised look. “That’s right Top, big bad emotionless Elizabeth Miller has emotions.” She says snarky. “I’m grateful. Don’t get me wrong, you’re a f*cking ass, but I’m grateful that you were there.” She releases the smoke in the air, her whole-body relaxing.

“How have you been since?”

“Taking it one day at a time, trying to dissociate him from others.”


“Men.” She mumbles turning around, her back against the railing and he looks down at her.

“You mean that you and Maybank aren’t—”

“No, we’re not f*cking.” She rolls her eyes and he chuckles.

“Are- are you okay, though?” he asks, looking down at her.

“I guess. Today was f*cking hard, actually being there, took me a few minutes to get in the house.” He nods, taking another hit from the joint.

“You told anyone?”

“John B and Kiara.” She shivers, the late hour and being so close to the water bringing a chill down her spine. “Told em’ today.”

“That’s good. Getting it off your chest, talking to other people.”

“What? You don’t like our late-night talks? Thought you had a soft spot for me, T.” he rolls his eyes.

“Shut up.”

“I hadn’t been back here in a while. It’s so peaceful.” She closes her eyes, breathing in the clean air.

“Yeah it is. Was even greater when the car was parked there.” He gestures to the empty water next to the dock.

“Y’all searched for it.” She snaps. “I don’t know what Rafe’s up to lately but it’s messing with y’alls heads.” She turns around and looks at him. “It was f*cking messed up.” She sends him a harsh glare. “Wait did you say car?” Grace asks.

“Jesus christ!” he groans.

“Tonight, is not your night, Logan. You just can’t do it.” She says.

-The episode of Midsummers was filmed over two and a half days, Grace had gotten a cold from a few nights before where some cast members insisted that they go surf even if it was past midnight, certain of them pressing that it was important that Grace was comfortable on a surfboard. Well, she got sick and it sucked. She walks out of her trailer, burgundy dress on, shoes on and everything she took off the night before. Tissue in hand, along with a water bottle she jumps in a golf kart, ready to be driven to set.

“Good evening.” She hears from the back seat and see an all dressed up Madison, flower crown and lavender dress.

“Hi, didn’t see you.” She sniffles.

“You still sick?”

“Yup, yup. Feels good.” She groans her throat itchy. She takes a sip from her water just as they arrive at the location.

The fire already burning, she glances at the cast and crew walking around, going over the scenes and dialogues, changing last minute things. She walks to Chase, the tall man having her back to her, she wraps her arms around him, letting her heavy head on his back.

“Hi, Grace.” He says and JD and Rudy step aside to see the small girl that was completely hidden by the man.

“M’sick.” She pulls away from him, joining the others in the makeshift circle.

“We know. Could hear you sniffle and cough all day.” JD says looking down at the girl, a pity smile on his face as he took in the dark circles around her eyes.

Suddenly she looks up, searching for Rudy’s eyes, her green ones opened wide.

“I’m gonna get you sick.” She pouts and they all chuckle.

“Part of the job I guess.” The make-up artist arrives, helping Grace hide the red areas on her face and cover the dark circles under her eyes.

“Your lips look a little dry, got anything for that? I have a nude lip—” the woman offers and Grace smiles.

“Thank you, but I got it covered.” She gets the baby pink ball out of her little purse, uncapping it and rubbing the palm over her dried lips.

“Alright everybody!” Jonas called. “Next to last scene of the Midsummers episode. Thank you all for giving your best for that challenging episode. We have three scenes left and then we have a break! Yeah!” he says, the cast and crew joining in the cheering. “But not yet. So, let’s get to work.”

Filming the scene, from different angles and with different takes, around the fire warms Grace a little bit, along with Rudy’s body heat, from the fact that she was perched on his lap for almost two hours. When it was time for Rudy and Grace’s main scene of the episode the girl was tired, her cold getting the better of her sleepiness.

After turning away from a smiling Madison, Grace faces Rudy, the man looking at her in all his JJ glory.

“Hi,” she smiles up at him. “You looked real handsome over there.”

“Hey,” he places the same strand of hair he moved earlier, behind her ear. “How are you?” he wraps his arms around her waist, resting them on her back, her arms wrapping around his neck, their fronts pushed together.

“I should be asking you that.” She says, her hands cupping his cheeks, her thumbs rubbing his face in a comforting manner, making him sigh.

“I’m gonna be fine.” He mumbles, avoiding her eyes.

Grace pulls back, Rudy keeping his arms around her as she accidentally sneezes on his shoulder. Her hands still cupping his face, making the people around them chuckle.

“M’sorry, guys!” she says sniffling and scrunching up her nose.

“Let’s start again.”

“Hi,” she smiles up at him. “You looked real handsome over there.”

“Hi,” he places the same strand of hair he moved earlier, behind her ear. “How are you?” he wraps his arms around her waist, resting them on her back, her arms wrapping around his neck, their fronts pushed together.

“I should be asking you that.” She says, her hands cupping his cheeks, her thumbs rubbing his face in a comforting manner, making him sigh.

“I’m gonna be fine.” He mumbles, avoiding her eyes.

“What did he say?” she moves her head to catch his eyes.

“Mentioned my mom.”

“That’s a low blow,” she huffs before holding his head in her hands. “you know it’s not true, though, right? What he said, he was just being a mean drunk.”

“Yeah, I know.” He nods unconvincingly.

“JJ, look at me.” She lifts his head, ocean blue meeting forest green. His eyes going down to her lips in a way that was very JJ. “Trust me when I say that you are the complete opposite of what that man told you, okay? I honestly wouldn’t have gone through most of my life if you hadn’t been by my side.” She smiles, her eyes shining with the reflect of the fire.

“Not to be unoriginal but, same.” She chuckles and pulls him to her height. Hugging him to her, her hands go to his hair, caressing them, he presses a few quick pecs to the skin of her neck. She sighs, thinking that they should join their friends.

Grace looks back up at Rudy, his eyes already on her face, ready for the next step of the scene, looking back down at his lips, signalling that she was ready he leans in, channeling her inner Beth she sucks in a breath of surprise when he pulls her closer to him, his fingers digging into the flesh of her back. Following the directives, they were given, Rudy rubs his nose softly against hers making him let out a sigh of longing like they had talked about with Jonas.

“Guys, do what feels right, do what feels right and good to you.” Jonas had instructed them 20 minutes earlier.

Building up the tension, the two actors move even closer, breathing the same air. Grace moves her arms, cupping the back of his head, her nails scratching at his scalp, and he breathes out. Grace smiles, amused. His blue eyes look at her, waiting for her to deliver her line.

“We should go.” She says, their lips barely touching.

“Yeah.” Following the script, she grabs his hand, walking out of frame.

Rudy subtlety looking down at the ground stops at this mark, Grace turns, the position decided prior so that the fire could light their faces perfectly. Rudy takes a step, the tip of both their feet touching. She looks up at him, both of them trying to convey all the emotions Beth and JJ are feeling. Grace really wants to laugh, seeing a booger poke out of his nose, but she stops, focusing on Beth and the blonde in front of her. Actually waiting for Rudy do the move they had agreed on, she looks down at his chapped lips.

“I should buy him a Chapstick” she thinks.

Feeling Rudy’s lips on her bring her out of her thoughts and she fakes a whimper, clinging to him she tugs on his hair, biting his lips. She feels Rudy’s hands go down her waist, her hips before they settle on her ass, grabbing a handful and she wants to laugh. Letting out a noise, Rudy stops and frowns.

“Did you sneeze against my lips.” He says against her lips and she giggles. She pulls away, stepping out of his embrace and goes to grab a tissue.

“I am a mess. I’m so sorry.” She says, still laughing and Chase, Madison and Jonathan poke out from behind the camera.

“What did she do?”

“She f*cking sneezed against my face.” Madison, Chase and Grace start laughing loudly.

“Okay, guys! Let’s take five, hydrate, blow your noses, whatever you need, and we’ll do it again, along with the close ups.”

After doing it again a few times, getting the different angles they got ready to film the close ups. Madison and Madelyn joining behind the camera.

“OKAY! LET’S SEE SOME TONGUES NOW!” Madelyn screams at the two actors, Grace and Rudy look at her and the blonde man jokingly grabs the brunette dipping her while holding her back and fake kissing her.

“Let’s get it on!” Madison hollers.

Rudy puts the girl back on her feet, and she walks away grabbing something for the director’s assistant. She walks back, putting her strawberry lip balm on before shoving it in Rudy’s face.

“Don’t move.” She says before applying the lip balm on his lips gently.

“Are you telling me that we’ve been kissing for the past hour and just now you tell me I’ve chapped lips?” She looks up at him, a smile tugging at her lips.

“A little bit, but it’s fine.” She smiles.

“Okay, let’s get going we gonna film another scene after this one people.” Jonas announces. “Let’s take it from Grace’s line, “we should go” and go from there.” He says, the camera moving closer to them.

Delivering their lines, they pay extreme attention to the way they act towards each other, doing everything with precision, letting their natural chemistry take the lead on the close up shot.


The girls, Madison, Madelyn and Grace were all laying down on the boat known as Heyward’s. The three actresses exhausted from the day and slightly cold from the time and the fact that they were on the water. The fake joint between her lips, Grace snuggled into the grey sweatshirt, her legs laid out in front of her as Madison and Madelyn delivered their lines.

“Wow. Hey, guess what?” Madelyn pants. “Would you rather... have... I was imagining you like this just now. It was pretty funny. Would you ima... would you rather... have nipples for eyes or eyes for nipples?” she laughs and Grace snickers, passing it off as Beth being high. “Imagine if you get really old and your nipples... Your boobs get saggy, and your nipples, if they were your eyes, you could see if your shoes were untied.” Grace lets out a loud laugh when she sees the camera workers laughing.

“They’re not supposed to laugh.” She smiles pointing at the camera.


Grace walks into the guest room of the chateau, seeing the crew in the dark corner, noticing the lump on the bed she smiles, the AD lighting up the small way to the bed. She lays down in the bed, she moves a little bit, cuddling up to the boy’s back.

“And... action!” Josh calls quietly.

“JJ, can I talk to you about something?” she asks, frowning in the dark, her hand goes on the boy’s arm, moving it up and down, the usually familiar feeling different. Knowing that for that scene, Rudy was supposed to be silent for a few seconds she decides to break character and move further up to the boy’s ear. “Rudy, you okay?” She feels warmth in her neck as he moves.

“I’m fine, angel, how are you?” The voice she knows as JD says and she jumps back, the light turning on.

“What the f*ck?” she says, looking down at Jonathan as he proudly grins at her. She turns around to the doorframe and sees a shirtless Rudy, along with her mother and the crew. All of them laughing. “What was that for?” she asks.

“You seemed stressed.” JD says, pulling her back on the bed, hugging her to him and she laughed.

“That’s quite nice of you, Jonathan.” She smiles and kisses him on the cheek.

After they got over what needed to be done, how it had to look and the technicalities of it all, they started to film probably the most intimate scene of all the show.



@pink-meringues​​ - @jaxandcomet​​ - @taaniesha​​ - @twilightstilinski​​ - @k-k0129​​

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Author: Catherine Tremblay

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Author information

Name: Catherine Tremblay

Birthday: 1999-09-23

Address: Suite 461 73643 Sherril Loaf, Dickinsonland, AZ 47941-2379

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Job: International Administration Supervisor

Hobby: Dowsing, Snowboarding, Rowing, Beekeeping, Calligraphy, Shooting, Air sports

Introduction: My name is Catherine Tremblay, I am a precious, perfect, tasty, enthusiastic, inexpensive, vast, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.